Company Profile

Horticulture is one of the main agricultural commodities in Indonesia. One of the horticultural products that have prospects in the future is vegetables. Although Indonesia is a luxuriant country and produces high vegetables, Indonesia still imports vegetables from oversea. Utilization of this vegetable is not only limited to the home industry, but also more directed to the business industry as if restaurants, fast food restaurants, hotels, and matters relating to the food processing industry.

Agricultural commodities have special characteristics,(1) Perishable or broken product, (2) The process of planting, growing, and harvesting depends on the climate and season, (3) The harvest has many kind of shapes and sizes. These factors are very important to consider to analyze the right strategy in marketing.

That’s why the first step that must be done by an industry is to know in advance what kind of products demanded by the market, and then produce according to customer expectations with the terms of products offered by the company must have quality compete with similar company products.

To know the expectation from the customer needed an analysis that can catch of consumer desire to product produced by company, and determine the aspect which must become the priority and must be paid attention by the company in the effort of fulfillment and improvement of consumer satisfaction which mean also for the improvement of industry quality. To produce products that meet customer expectations required quality improvement that can be done through a control of the production process. The application of process control in an industry goals to know the conformity of the process undertaken by the company with a predetermined standard.

The History Of Company

PT. Sayuran Siap Saji was established in 2010 as a subsidiary of PT. Saung Mirwan who was established earlier from 1986 who has supplied whole vegetables especially hydroponic vegetables such as tomato recento, cherry tomato, peppers, mini cucumber and shishito to several supermarkets such as Hero, Carrefour, Hypermart, Lion Superindo and Ranch Market. PT. Sayuran Siap Saji as a subsidiary of PT. Saung Mirwan focuses more on Horeka market (hotel, restaurant dan cathering) produce fresh vegetables in whole condition, fresh cut and ready to eat mixed salad. Currently PT. Sayuran Siap Saji supplies to several restaurants such as McDonalds, Bakmi GM, Domino's Pizza, Burger King, Sate Khas Senayan, Solaria, Pizza Marzano, Purantara Inflight Catering, Lawson, Johny Rockets, PT. Kenkomayo Diamond, Jaddi Foods, Rejuve, Nam Nam Resto & Noodle Bar and Coffee Bean.


Explanation Of Location, Plantation Area, Product Produced

In producing vegetables produced PT. Sayuran Siap Saji in cooperation with some farmers in Garut, Lembang, Cipanas and Gadog surrounding, in the supervision of the Division of Partnership through appointed extension agents responsible for fostering farmers, providing counseling for crop cultivation, providing input for pest control and disease in plants to produce products accordingly both in quality and quantity desired.

The Vision of PT. Sayuran Siap Saji

"Being one of the leaders in the field of agribusiness and fresh cut vegetable production by applying appropriate technology to enhance the role of appropriate technology to improve the participation and welfare of farmers community in developing the State of Indonesia" is the vision of PT. Sayuran Siap Saji  established based on the ideals of the founders, backgrounds and conditions of society developed mission and noble values of the company.

The Mission Of PT. Sayuran Siap Saji :

1. Producing on an ongoing basis and consistently maintaining high quality standards as per market demand

2. Improve product quality, service and human resources to maintain customer satisfaction

3. Develop agricultural business by expanding market network and partnership network with small farmers, and

4. Raising cooperation with research and education institutions to obtain appropriate technology that can be applied by the farming community.


PT. Sayuran Siap Saji handling vegetables with HACCP standardization. (HACCP) Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point is a control system in preventing the occurrence of problems based on the identification of critical points in the handling and production process. HACCP is one form of risk management developed to ensure food safety with a preventive approach that is considered to provide assurance in producing food that is safe for consumers. The purpose of applying HACCP in a food industry is to prevent the occurrence of hazards so that it can be used as food quality assurance in order to meet the demands of consumers. HACCP is a quality control system since raw materials are prepared until the final product is mass produced and distributed.


Some advantages of cut vegetables produced by PT. Sayuran Siap Saji is to have HACCP certification as one of the standard food safety. Customers do not have to cut and wash vegetables, less preparation process and space for storage in store and of course for some vegetables like mixed salad ready to eat without cutting or washing process.


PT. Sayuran Siap Saji is committed to implementing, developing and improving the performance of its production process in ensuring the food safety of its products through:

  1. Implementation and maintenance of good manufacturing practices based on Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP);
  2. Application and maintenance of hygienic food making methods based on Sanitation Operation Procedures Standard (SSOP);
  3. Implementation and maintenance of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) hazard analysis and control systems (HACCP);
  4. Implementation and maintenance of quality system and food safety management (ISO 22000: 2005);
  5. Implementation and compliance with fresh cut vegetables product standards and fresh vegetables products and a number of corresponding regulations;
  6. Providing awareness, understanding and appropriate training for all levels of management and all employees in the organization in the company regarding food safety aspects.
  7. Communicating to all organizations on the importance of continous improvement and achieving food safety.


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Contact Information

  • Jalan Cikopo Selatan No. 134 Kec. Megamendung Bogor 16770. Bogor, Jawa Barat
  • +62 251-8241269
  • +62 251-8241268

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